Austin Founder Lions Club meets every Thursday. Check each week's program information for meeting time and location.
Texas Lions Camp Work Day
Kerrville, Texas
Saturday, April 5, 2025
The Texas Lions Camp Work Day is an opportunity for our Austin Founder Lions Club and friends to help prepare the camp for Texas youth this summer. Our Lions Club will join over 400 Lions from across Texas that are committed to keeping the Texas Lions Camp the 'jewel of Lionism'. WHERE: Texas Lions Camp, 4100 San Antonio Hwy, Kerrville, Texas (2 1/2 hour drive from Austin) WHEN: Saturday, April 5, 2025 - 7:00 am to 3:00 pm WHY: Our Lions Club needs you to volunteer to help prepare the TLC for young campers ages seven to sixteen coming this summer who suffer from physical disabilities such as cancer, Down Syndrome, diabetes, vision and hearing impairments, and other disabilities. WHO: All members of our club, as well as family members and friends. Anyone who wants to help are welcome to volunteer. WHAT: This year we will be helping prepare the grounds by raking leaves, trimming brush and tree branches. Wear comfortable work clothes, hat or cap, gloves, sunscreen, etc. Bring garden tools, rakes, pruning tools, etc. TLC will also provide tools. Logistics: Overnight stay on Friday evening is available at the TLC at no cost. Bring your own bedding (sleeping bag, sheets, pillow, etc.) and personal items. Hotels are available locally at your own expense. Breakfast and lunch on Saturday are included at no cost. Please register here or contact Lion Rudy Munguia to let him know you are coming: 512-784-3071 Club Inducts 6 New MembersOn Thursday November 9, 2023 the Austin Founder Lions Club inducted six new members. They are Lion Guy Davis, Lion Holly Reed, Lion Tom McConnell, Lion Carl Schock, Lion Billy Wood Jr., and Lion Nancy Hefner. We are all pleased to have these new Lions in our club. Club Recognizes Local Schools On April 23, 2023 the Austin Founder Lions Club hosted representatives of the six schools in the Austin Independent School District who accepted this year's recognition for their Founder Lions namesakes. Student representatives also attended. The schools are Boone Elementary, Cowan Elementary, Kocurek Elementary, Pickle Elementary, Widen Elementary and the Gus Garcia Young Men's Leadership Academy. Each of these schools are named after an Austin Founder Lions Club member. Mobile App for Austin Founder Lions Club Members
Austin Founder Lions Club now provides a mobile app to help members more easily stay in touch with club activities and their fellow club members. The app is available for both Apple and Android devices. It is provided by Wild Apricot. Using this app, you can:
Eyeglasses RecyclingWant to help us give sight to the world? Find local eyeglass recycling drop-off locations HERE According to The World Health Organization, 153 million people have uncorrected refractive errors (near-sightedness, far-sightedness or astigmatism). Most of these vision impairments are quickly diagnosed and easy to treat with corrective lenses. A History of Quality and Service
Past and present members include many of the most prominent names in both Austin and Texas' history - U.S. Congressman J.J. "Jake" Pickle, Austin mayor Gus Garcia, both Willie Kocurek and his son Neal Kocurek, and more - all dedicated to the service of humanity through the spirit of Lionism and its many community outreach programs. We admit we are a bit proud of our status as the "world's oldest continuously operating Lions Club", but, we like to think that our efforts in community service are typical of Lions Clubs the world over. It's a story of garage sales, golf tournaments, rose sales and other kinds of fund raisers. It's a story of answering the needs of the community and of disadvantaged groups and individuals, through efforts such as our Eyeglasses Recycling program, support of the Texas Lions Camp and the Lone Star Eye Bank, eyeglasses for students and other projects. And it's a story of building and working with other Lions Clubs to promote teamwork in service. We are perhaps most proud, however, to be a part of Lions Clubs International, which provides the opportunity to support nonpartisan service activities that are worldwide in scope. Through Lions International we can help fight blindness and other social problems around the world while promoting international understanding, and that's what makes our association so special. The club participates in projects with other clubs in surrounding counties known as Lions District 2-S3. MISSION STATEMENT TO EMPOWER volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions Clubs. | Upcoming Speakers & Events
| Join Us on Social Media Making a Difference Through Community Service - We Serve.
These are some of the organizations we are proud to support through the donations raised by our community efforts: ![]() ![]() World Services for the Blind Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired |